Thursday, May 30, 2013

Everyone can preserve food.....Berries!!

So as summer creeps into the back yard with warm weather, bright evenings and quick summer storms, I can think of only one thing.....strawberries. It is the season because it leads to a stream of fantastic fruits after fruits after fruits.

Since we only eat strawberries when they are in season locally, its a big deal when the season comes along. So to help this season last into the winter months, I freeze summer berries. Summer berries for my family include blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. So here is how you do it....

Get your berries, preferably local, and wash the berries.

Then if you have strawberries, cut off the tops. The tops get saved at our house because they are a tasty treat for the ladies out back. If you have blueberries, remove any stems.

Placed all the berries on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. You place them on the cookie sheet so the fruit freezes before putting them in the bag to reduce squashing. 

Then place the tray in the freezer over night. The following day, remove the tray and place the berries into a freezer zip plastic bag. 

Try to remove as much air as possible, label and place back into the freezer. Easy right, if you followed the above steps, congrats on preserving the first of many batches of berries this summer.

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