Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Evening in the Park with William

William Shakespeare, that is.

That evening I loaded my new picnic, thanks mom, with dinner for the family. Picnic dinner included pasta salad, yellow watermelon (from our garden), wraps, a bag of fritos, and brownies for dessert.

We loaded up the car to include a blanket and headed out to the park. Once we arrived and picked out a spot. Close to the front and on the edge. We sat behind the chairs that you could pay to sit in. They are more comfortable than the benches and they come with a waitress to get you items from the concession stand and bar. We laid out the blanket and grabbed a bench. The picnic basket got opened to be enjoyed.

The set was great, the play that evening was "Much ado about nothing" set into the west. 

While waiting for the play to begin, JP took the girls over the playground over the hill. And there was a water feature, nothing attracts like a flame to water or child to water. Little bit ran through again and again. Then they returned to wait for the play to begin.

I don't have any cool photos during the play out of respect for their wishes. But I can say this that it was fantastic. The actors did great, giggles and applause soared through the crowd and the sun set and darkness set in. At intermission, little bit hand our donation to one of the actors, cause only through donations can they keep Will free. 

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